Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Longer the Journey, the Deeper the Meaning.

Cancer is more than a word. It's a battle. It's a journey. A life changing event so many, too many go through. Nothing can fill the hole cancer leaves, no one can replace what cancer takes away. But hope, courage, endurance, and faith make it possible to overcome the tragedy we call cancer. This will be my 5th year participating in Relay For Life, and my 3rd as a team captain. Each year we have raised more and more money, and Relay has become more and more meaningful. Relay isn't just about raising money, its about coming together, with a common goal in mind, defeat cancer. It's about dedication and determination. Because, you see, each dollar isn't just a dollar, each check isn't just a check. Each penny we raise is a tribute to those we love and have lost, a token of hope to those still fighting, and a piece of comfort to the millions affected by cancer. If every tear shed because of cancer fell as a penny there would be no need to raise any money for we'd have all the money in the world. Unfortunately the tears only fall as that, tears. So I am trying to do my part to give tribute, hope and comfort, because NOBODY deserves cancer.